The Unholy Pursuit series consist of thirteen books. "Clash with the Immortals" is the second book in the series.
Blog Archive
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
UnHoly Pursuit: The Devil on MyTrail available on Amazon
There is a large excerpt of book available for free. The print book is over 800 pages and the Ebook is much more.
Egyptian gods,
literary agent,
wedding night,
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Ashton's auto collection
As one would expect someone with the wealth and means of Ashton Cargill has a large collection of some sort. Some collect coins, stamps, books, artwork, but Ashton's main collection is cars. There are few from his vast collections.
1925 Isotta Franschini Tipo 8 A S Roadster
1925 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Piccadilly Roadster
1925 Rolls-Royce Phantom York Roadster
1955 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud-the car Ashton gave Ana.
1925 Isotta Franschini Tipo 8 A S Roadster
1925 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Piccadilly Roadster
1925 Rolls-Royce Phantom York Roadster
1955 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud-the car Ashton gave Ana.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Ana's wedding picture
This is how Ashton sees Ana as Bea leads her mother to the altar. There's something very interesting about Ana as to why he often doesn't recognize her. No one does. Of course her mother does but I'm not talking about her mom.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
The many gods, goddesses and immortals
The most difficult thing about writing about the immortals is there are many different kinds as there are ethnic groups of humans. Every culture around the world mentioned them.
There's no set rule to follow for in each culture they were as different as humans. One of the best ways to learn a culture is to learn the mannerism of their gods or goddesses. For in ancient times people copied the behavior of their deities.
There's no set rule to follow for in each culture they were as different as humans. One of the best ways to learn a culture is to learn the mannerism of their gods or goddesses. For in ancient times people copied the behavior of their deities.
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These are few of the immortals in the book "Clash with the Immortals."
Monday, September 5, 2016
Each Book is a stand alone, although part of a series.
Rest assured, there are no books out there quite like any I've written. Why? Because I used no format or precedent already written. I have searched high and low for one with the same precedence and found none. Yes, I used well known characters but the manner in which I used them is like nothing I have ever read and I have read perhaps many books in my lifetime. I read several books before sitting down to begin to write this series in 2001. I read many books about immortals and humans interactions and decided I wanted to take my characters a different route but wanted to remain true to how the ancient texts described the immortals. If you will note, even the covers are different. I wanted each book to be able to stand alone on it's own merit is why each cover is different.
I deliberately wrote each book so that it would not have to lean upon it's predecessor for a reader to understand what's going on. I wrote each to bear it own merit. That's why the major ones I was able to create a smaller spin off book like, "The Time before time"which is a spin off the book of Clash with the Immortals."
The first few paragraphs pick up where the predecessor left off and the last few sentences give a hint in what's to follow in the next book. And from there the book takes on a life of it own totally different from the one before or after.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
UnHoly Pursuit-Clash with the Immortal: The Time Before Time. The worlds of the Immortals....
UnHoly Pursuit-Clash with the Immortal: The Time Before Time. The worlds of the Immortals....: For those who like lighter, more whimsical type of Fantasy. "The Time before time" was written a year after "Clash with the ...
The Time Before Time. The worlds of the Immortals.
For those who like lighter, more whimsical type of Fantasy. "The Time before time" was written a year after "Clash with the Immortals." It's about mythical worlds predating our own. It's about the worlds of the Immortals.
We all have read stories, seen movies or heard about the "Immortals" but none of them tell us where they came from? This novel does. According to ancient texts they came from other worlds and dimensions predating earth or even our universe existence.
We all have read stories, seen movies or heard about the "Immortals" but none of them tell us where they came from? This novel does. According to ancient texts they came from other worlds and dimensions predating earth or even our universe existence.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Author's Interview by the Owl Book Blog
Author's Interview by the Owl Book Blog
OWL-When did you first
realize you wanted to be a writer?
Author- Perhaps in my
early teens years when I became interested in poets and poetry and
begun writing poetry.
OWL-How long does it
take you to write a book?
Author -Usually about a
year or two. Depending on the research needed and the length of the
book. The entire “UnHoly Pursuit” series has been a work in
progress since 2001.
OWL-What is your work
schedule like when you're writing?
Author-I have to remind
myself to stop and eat, go pay bills, and even have tell myself it's
time to go to bed.
OWL-What would you say
is your interesting writing quirk?
Author- I find myself
writing in a much older dialect and sentence structure that isn't
commonly used today. Then I have to revert back to modern English, I
like King Speak or Speech because it's much more poetic than sentence
structures used today.
OWL-How do your books
get published?
OWL-Where do you get
your information or ideas for your books?
Author-Observance of
everyday life, extensive traveling and interacting with other. My
characters were developed from ancient literature like the Book of
Enoch, the bible (No, it is not a religious literary work) and many
different cultural mythology and belief, sacred books, history.
OWL-When did you write
your first book and how old were you?
Author-My very first
book I wrote for my parents at age six. It was made of construction
paper with 20 pages stapled between. It was about my me, parents and
my pets. I had scores of pets.
OWL-What do you like to
do when you're not writing?
Author-I'm not the type
of person who like running, jumping, climbing or doing anything
strenuous. I once left a date because the guy wanted to hike up a
mountainous trail and then go to a camp. I had already been on a cave
tour adventure and didn't like it. But before the evening was over he
saw things my way, spend the day at the beach, reading. That's
energetic enough. I prefer something peace and laid back.
OWL-What does your
family think of your writing?
Author-They love it
but skips over the love making scenes. (LOL!)
OWL-What was one of the
most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Author-That a lot more
goes into creating a book than I knew. Writing the story is
enjoyable, relaxing and you realize you are leaving your legacy to
the world.
OWL-How many books have
you written? Which is your favorite?
Author-So far, including
my very first book written for my parents, the number stands at 17.
As a teenager I wrote a book of poetry.
OWL-Do you have any
suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
Author-Write with your
emotions, do not allow your creativity to be hindered by structures.
If there are no emotions put into the story or poet it will be as
flat as the paper it is written upon. Find and use your own style. It
will be like no one else's.
OWL-Do you hear from
your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Author_Yes, some more
than others. Their questions are; What does the main character Ana
do next after such and such incident? Can't I tone Bea or Azazael
down? Most of the questions are usually along the line of what will
happen next?
OWL-Do you like to
create books for adults?
Author-All of my works
are classified as adult literary.
OWL-What do you think
makes a good story?
Author-A good plot, well
developed main characters, a well balance of elements such as
violence, evilness. For example if a character is evil or good tell
why they posses these traits. It is very important for the story to
have the ability to answer who, what, when, why and where.
OWL-As a child, what did
you want to do when you grew up?
Author-This changed
every week; I wanted to be a writer, a teacher, a nurse, an
astronaut, a baseball player,
OWL-Any books in the
Author_Yes, I'm editing
and refining the other books of the series.
OWL-What are your plans
for the future?
Author-I'd love to see
more of the world. I've traveled exclusively throughout the US,
Canada and Mexico but would like to see the rest of the world. I've
always been involved in charity work so I'll be going back to that,
full time. Right now, 10% of the sale of every book is given one of
the various
organizations I've chosen to support.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
"Clash with the Immortals" A Novel by A. White-The second book of the series.
Clash with the Immortals,
crowd funding,
dark fantasy,
Egyptian gods,
New World Order,
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Book Review for UnHoly Pursuit, The Devil on My Trail
A great story of saints, demons, spirits, good and evil set 500 years in the future. A 24 year old single mother with energy and a fighting attitude is always on the road fleeing malevolent forces coming after her. As she gives as good as she gets and always manages to stay one step ahead of her pursuers due to her inner qualities and a little help from above, the reader comes to realize that she is more than just a tough, strong woman fighting to save her family: she is a warrior called to battle to fight for the greater good . A good intro to the paranormal genre and for a perspective on what life will be like a half millennium from now.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
In my previous post, I mentioned to talk about I’d launched my campaign a to fund this book.
In my previous post, I mentioned to talk about I’d launched my campaign a to fund this book. There’s a school of thought that says you want a substantial number of followers before you begin. I got that and they are now chewing me a new one. I went around to all my sites and collected the followers and they came to over 5,000. Some may say, there’s an element of truth to both of these: what matters is not the number of followers, per se, but the amount of buzz surrounding a project. The number of followers a project has is simply one sign of overall popularity, but not a definitive one. But from the number of people who has been riding my ass I beg to different. I want to make this book a reality perhaps more than anything else.
This popularity matters–well, I should say it mattered, past tense, because Things Have Changed–because a funding campaign gives you a limited time to gather all these pre-orders. The more you can frontload a campaign, the further you can go. If you have a bunch of people ready with their credit cards the day you launch, that’s so many people you don’t have to chase after later on in the campaign, and that much more time you’ll have to go chase other people.
Now, here is where you all comes in. No authors can do it all by themselves no matter who they are. Even Shakespeare didn't do it all by himself. I need you all to help me to make this a reality. I need you all to help me get this in your hands and I promise you for the next 12 books you won't be disappointed.
But here’s a thought that struck me. Spending a lot of time picking up followers can also be counter-productive, because I can’t be certain that all these people are still going to be around if I wait six months to launch. Wouldn’t it be better to have the campaign already taking pre-orders, so people can order immediately instead of following now and coming back later–or possibly forgetting in the meantime? That's what I've done. I had that in mind ten years ago when I started writing the saga.
I determined that the way to have the best of both worlds was to set an extra-long funding period. The first six months of it would be more of family members were eager to jump in, and I started off with the bang that most people would have had to depend on a large following to get.
But, as I said, things have changed. The fan base is growing larger, mainly because this unlike any series you all have ever read. I didn't try to create aliens from another world or make up things you've heard of. I used everyday life to create a story about the end of days. I borrowed from the most popular book of all time: The Bible. Although, it's not a biblical fictional story.
Here’s an excerpt from a screenshot of my “edit” page. Yes, my main character has a crude mouth. No one is speaking proper when literally you've hellhounds nipping at your heel.
crowd funding,
literary agent,
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Preorders for Unholy Pursuit
I would like to humbly thank the thousands of people around the globe who took an interest in my book "UnHoly Pursuit-The Devil on My Trail." You're who I write to and for. You are who I hope to reach and when it's in your hand, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. You have shown me that the promo for my first book in the series "Unholy Pursuit" series is interesting, exciting and intriguing and for this I can not say 'thank you' enough. I promise you, you won't be disappointed if you love the quick change of scenes, devious historical figures, bringing mythological characters to life, snappy comebacks, humor and the thrill of a novel as I do. The books in this series with take you around the world to exotic places and to many other worlds and realms unknown without ever leaving your chair. To keep the momentum rolling strong I wrote all 13 books before introducing the first one to the world so you my fans wouldn't have to wait until the next sequel was written.
So hold to your seat, "Clash with Immortals" is even crazier. Well, how sane can it be if you put diabolical immortals and demons into a cauldron and stir the pot. Don't worry,Ana hasn't learned to control her fists nor her mouth. But the checks her mouth write her fists or blade can cash them. Too many found that out too late and the hard way.
Handsome or Beautiful but deadly
Lilith in her hellish lair with an unsuspecting admirer she is feeding to her hellcats. See, this is why everything that looks good isn't good for you.
Neptune has known Ana before but now she has his attention. And if anyone remember the legend about the trio, Neptune, Poseidon and Aqua. It's not a good thing to get their attention. They can walk on land and drag a person into the water. They are known to allure love-struck women into the waters simply to drown them.
Venus' Wrath's give new meaning to the quote "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."
In "CLASH WITH THE IMMORTALS". Venus the beautiful goddess of love having been one of Azazael's many lovers for eons she's furious when she learned what he have done. She enlist the aid of other immortals to help her get revenge.
Venus' Wrath "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."
A New Excitng book to check out.-Pixilated Obsidian Roses
I'm not the author of this book but I've to say it quite good and worth the money to purchase.
Pixilated Obsidian Roses
About the Book: Pixilated Obsidian Roses is an experimental work of fiction, in the vein of Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror.
from multiple perspectives across various times and spaces, the
narrative centers on the lives of two primary characters, Thomas and
Diggory Rivenport. Although these two young men exist in different eras
of history, both have come into contact with members of the Shedim—odd,
sometimes preposterous, beings whose origins are unknown and whose
influence in the world is profound.
In fact, the
Shedim have orchestrated events in such a way that the separate worlds
of Thomas and Diggory have begun to converge and neither is discernible
from the other.
"Strange title. What’s it all about?"
Giving a straight answer to that would be too much of a spoiler. However, some clues could be pulled from each word.
pix·i·lat·ed or pix·il·lat·ed (adj.)
1. A derivative of the word pixie—the mischievous, child-like creature of folklore. One who is pixilated
(that is, “pixie-led”) is thus under the influence of a pixie-like
being, or is acting in such a manner (i.e., somewhat mentally
unbalanced, slightly eccentric, crazed, bewildered, prankish)
2. Variant of pixelated. In computing, an image is pixelated when all or a portion of itself is blurred by the reduction of its resolution.
ob·sid·i·an (n.)
A glass-like rock, formed by the rapid cooling of lava, that is usually dark, but transparent in thin pieces.
rose (n.)
The widely cultivated flower from the plant of the genus Rosa, having prickly stems (thorns) and a fragrance often considered romantic.
Friday, May 27, 2016
To pre-order click the link above.
"Unholy Pursuit, Devil on My Trail" is very intense and emotional for my first novel. It goes along of the avenue of reality of everyday life but yet it is pure fictional. It tells of one woman's trials and tribulations; despite the heartbreak, abuse and betrayal she's still optimistic things will get better. The others books of "UnHoly Pursuit" series to follow concerns two of the same characters from "Unholy Pursuit, Devil on My Trail" and how they interact with the new characters. The entire work is a sequel, which means the reader can understand the present work without reading the first one.
"Unholy Pursuit" is a 300 page novel which features total hellish havoc when the leader of the satanic world, the Grand Wizard of the earthly dark forces unleash his hellish rage against her and all that is good and put in motion the coming of the New World Order. It has been called by one reader who read the first two parts "startlingly innovative. Some thing to make you ponder." In this narrative, Ana's role is to defend herself against her supernatural opponent. But he is who really runs the world and all the world follow his lead. It is a dark fantasy which revolves around the attempt of one woman to take back her life, home and sanity from ruthless, dark invaders.
This immortal is a master at cloaking in the spiritual realm closest to earth. He is observing Ana as she pulls Trusty into the parking lot of her dilapidated apartment building. He has heard about her through the celestial grapevine and came to see who has the darkforces britches tied in a bunch and why? Seeing nothing exciting or abnormal about her. He lost interest and continue his way in the Neutral Zone.
A demon is sent to spy on young Ana at school. No one else see it but her.
The Great War in Heaven. The start of all of humanity's problems. This war spilled over into every existing world and realm. Earth did not escape it.
Lilith's daughter, a character that will be introduced in a later book.
A Nazarene Warrior pursuing an enemy in the Wastelands.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
I would like to humbly thank the thousands of people around the globe who took an interest in my book "UnHoly Pursuit-The Devil on My Trail." You're who I write to and for. You are who I hope to reach and when it's in your hand, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. You have shown me that the promo for my first book in the series "Unholy Pursuit" series is interesting, exciting and intriguing and for this I can not say 'thank you' enough. I promise you, you won't be disappointed if you love the quick change of scenes, devious historical figures, bringing mythological characters to life, snappy comebacks, humor and the thrill of a novel as I do. The books in this series with take you around the world to exotic places and to many other worlds and realms unknown without ever leaving your chair. To keep the momentum rolling strong I wrote all 13 books before introducing the first one to the world so you my fans wouldn't have to wait until the next sequel was written.
So hold to your seat, "Clash with Immortals" is even crazier. Well, how sane can it be if you put diabolical immortals and demons into a cauldron and stir the pot. Don't worry,Ana hasn't learned to control her fists nor her mouth. But the checks her mouth write her fists or blade can cash them. Too many found that out too late and the hard way.
Write for information on how to order.
The works of Alma White are mainly horror, fantasy, extreme, and sci-fi as well as, as some may says, "the truly strange predicament and puzzling." Books that I've written are "Clash with the Immortals, and ten others which are part of the "Unholy Pursuit saga," which should be finished this year. She has been working on the Chronicles since 2007. She wished to complete them all before introducing them to public so the readers wouldn't have to for the continuation to be written.
The ideas of the book came from classic literature such as whose work greatly influence the world world such as Homer, Sophocles, Herodotus, Euripides, Socrates, Hippocrates, Aristophanes, Plato, Aristotle and many more. The "Book of Enoch" influenced the usage of Azazael as a main character and love interest. I created the primary main character from the Chronicle of Saints. I wanted to show them as real flesh and blood with thoughts, desires and yearning as any human. Not as they are so often depicted. So I created one of my own to show her as a real human that everyone can relate to.
"Clash with the Immortals"
Fearless Ana as she is some time called finds herself facing enemies deadlier than demons. The immortals.
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